Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy 2012 and Happy 2nd Year!

Christmas Eve 2011
So 2011 has come and gone in an instant. It doesn't even seem possible. I feel like once August hit I couldn't get it to slow down and I kept trying to stop the months from moving into the next. Didn't work :-) So, we had to welcome 2012 whether we like it or not. I prefer not to like it. I mean, did it get here so fast? Geez... I remember New Year's 2000 when we thought nothing would work at 12 mn!
Anyway, I'll move on and share the exciting news that Jadyn is cast-free finally. She had it removed Tuesday afternoon. Thankfully a lot of healing had taken place in 3 weeks so she was free to leave without and has picked up where she left off, which is great. I was so happy to put her into the tub Tuesday evening for a nice long soak. The cast was so yucky and smelly. That is what happens when a 2 year old has a cast and shoves chicken nuggets and hot dogs down the top of it.

Christmas Day 2011
Showing off her purple Raven's Cast
The birthday party has successfully been rescheduled so that's a plus. Jadyn also turned 2 years old last week which was super exciting too! We took her to the Science Center during the day, had lunch at the Inner Harbor and had a small family party at our house Friday evening. Of course Jadyn was extremely happy to open presents once again. She got MORE stuff that doesn't have room in our house. Me and Jayson are slowly getting moved out because Jadyn's CRAP is taking over. Hopefully we'll get our basement room in order soon so it'll be our playroom.
I moved her 2 year pedi appointment from her birthday to another day just in case her vaccines caused any issues. I didn't want anything to mess up her birthday party scheduled for 12/31 (well... the cast did just that!). So anyway, we go next week for her 2 year old check up. I guess I should also say that we have not received our neurosurg follow up appointment for after her 2nd birthday. I've been putting it off but I guess I should call and remind them they forgot our appointment. All seems to be well though with Jadyn so hopefully they feel the same.
January is going to be over in a snap I know. We have every single Saturday booked right now with activities and now already the 1st weekend in February too.
I guess that's about it for now.