Thursday, January 14, 2010

9 Pound Mark

Yes, we did it. After much struggles with breast feeding and finding a nice happy medium between breast milk and formula, Jadyn finally has gained back her birth weight plus a little more. From Friday to yesterday, Wednesday, she gained .5 pound (8 ounces). She eats like a champ so that is a little bit more than she really should be picking up but the doc is happy with her gain. She was 9 pounds even yesterday and we are clear from the pediatrician until the 6-7 week mark. She'll probably be due for shots that visit, ugh! I've done pretty good with the heal sticks (Jay too) and actually yesterday we waited a little longer than I wanted for her second PKU that I wanted to do it myself and get the heck outta the doctor's office.

We have made some mall visits to have lunch and do Christmas exchanges but we've been very careful and left her in the infant seat. No one gets to touch either... but many stop and want to know how old she is and this and that.
On Tuesday me and Jadyn had our first trip without dad to my work holiday luncheon at Bluestone Restaurant in Timonium. It was very tasty. She slept during the lunch which was great and after everyone was finished I got her out for a visit and then it was eatin' time. It was almost 2 weeks post delivery for me so I was feeling much better but I was still a little worried about carrying her infant seat. I hadn't put her in, taken her out or carried the seat at all. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and we even made a short stop to return a Christmas gift too.

I'm finally getting around to cleaning the bathroom and our bedroom that I have been wanting to do since before delivery. I can't relax and chill out until I know everything is done. It's just my nature... I can't control it! I took a mini break to down some McDonald's and it's back to work to finish it up. I just wanted to update this really quickly and put up a couple new pics of the babe.

As for the rest of the household... or just Jake.. he is doing pretty good. He has come around and is back to his normal eating self.. which is inhaling his food in 2 seconds flat. He got himself a haircut and looks like a completely new pup-very cute! He is sleeping overnight like a he never did before and not bothering us at 7 in the morning to go outside to pee. It's great. He is doing well. other than that....nothing too exciting is going on except eating, sleeping and pooping so we'll keep in touch.
The Cox's


  1. She is so beautiful:) Congrats with being a Mom and I know you will be wonderful! Tell Jay congrats also. Sounds like he is going to be as protective as Dave is with his girls!

  2. Thanks your story gave me hope and your way of dealing with bad news i will try yo follow
