Sunday, February 21, 2010

First Shots

On Friday, Jadyn had her first round of shots. She did pretty good. She let out a scream during the needles but quickly went to sucking her ninnie again and calmed down. Thank goodness Momma has seen lots of babies get needles and given them too which helped me keep it together, although it was still a little hard since this time the baby was mine =). Daddy stood back and didn't want any part of it.

Overall, Jadyn is doing well. She weighed in at 12 pounds 4 ounces at 7 weeks 2 days old. She is 24 and a quarter inches long and both weight and length are 90 percentile. Her head circumference is still 75th. Not really too much more to report for the pediatrician's visit. We are cleared until the end of April for her next check up and round of shots for 4 months old. Unfortunately, we will be visiting the pediatirican again if we need pre-op work up done. I'm praying we don't just yet.

We got Jadyn's next head sono appointment in the mail for Tuesday, March 16th which is exactly 1 month from her last appointment last week. She has the head sono and then appt. with neurosurg. I'm already a basket of nerves. I just keep hoping that maybe she is just one with big vents and everything has correctly itself... and there isn't a back up. Yeah... so it's a long shot based off in utero ultrasounds and last week's head sono but a Mom can dream, right?

Jadyn has been staying awake more during the day which is nice. She is so alert and active and not to mention smiley. She has started a new trick of standing up while getting burped. She is very strong. I usually burp her sitting on my leg bent over my with my hand on her chin. She gets very feisty when it's time to burp because she just wants to eat the entire bottle straight through and then some. Well she pushes on the couch because she is so angry and stands straight up. I'm not sure if this is something most 7 week old children do because I don't have too much nursing experience with babies this young but it seems a little early to be pushing up to a standing position already, haha.

Jay goes back to work on Wednesday and we'll miss him. He says he is ready to do something but not really going back to work. I've decided to return back to work early at 10.5 weeks saving 1.5 weeks of FMLA time. That means I'm REALLY on the downhill slope and it's sad. I know I'm going to start counting the days and getting more mad I'm not rich everyday. I may start playing the lottery. I don't feel I would want to stay home everyday because I'd spend a boat load of money but I don't want to work full time either. A little mix of both would be great. We'll see how it goes.

Well, enjoy the new pictures. I'll go back to stewing over March 15th-back to work date, hehe.

1 comment:

  1. haha, the many faces of Little Jadyn :) Shes such a cute little stinker! Dont worry, Bryce will teach her how to hold her own bottle and then she can push up on herself haha
